Part-time officers represent different groups of students, run campaigns and hold the full-time officers accountable. They volunteer their energy and time to run campaigns to make University life better for Swansea University students – they’re pretty special people.
Women’s Officer
Lucia Vazquez Vaquero
Lucia is a 3rd year Product Design Engineer student, and your Women’s Officer. She’s here to represent students who identify as female by campaigning on issues that affect women in Swansea University.
LGBT+ Open Place Officer
Sam Mann
Sam is studying for his PhD in Economics and is your LGBT+ Open Place Officer. He works in partnership with the Union to hold events on issues to do with the LGBT+ community and represent LGBT+ students at Swansea University.
Swyddog yr Iaith Gymraeg
Rebecca Martin
Mae Rebecca yn fyfyriwr Sbaneg a Ffrangeg yn ei 3ydd blwyddyn a’ch Swyddog Materion Cymraeg. Mae hi’n cynrychioli myfyrwyr sy’n siarad Cymraeg ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe, a hi yw eu llais yn yr Undeb.’
International Officer
Marcelo Reka
Marcelo, a History and Politics student in his second year, is your International Officer. He’s here to represent International students at Swansea University by organising events and taking any issues to the Uni.
Environment Officer
Ana Guri
Travis Brown
Harri Evans-Mason
Jasmine Fulcher
Saira Jawaid

She’s on hand to represent mature students here at Swansea and deal with any issues they face.
Greta Vaiciunaite